More flow updates, and lots of fixes!
We've added 4 new collaborators to Babel since the last release!
All of the hard work goes to them and our new contributors!
- Moti Zilberman: 🐙 @motiz88, 🐦 @motiz88
- Dan Harper: 🐙 @danharper, 🐦 @DanHarper7
- Kai Cataldo: 🐙 @kaicataldo, 🐦 @kai_cataldo
- Andrew Levine: 🐙 @DrewML, 🐦 @drewml
They've been helping keep this project afloat with @loganfsmyth, @danez, and me!
v6.18.0 Summary (2016-10-24)
Again if you haven't checked recently, we've moved back to Github Issues! This is all thanks to @danez
🚀 New Feature
#4697 Add variance node type and generate property variance annotations. (@samwgoldman)
Check out the blog post and flow docs for more info:
type T = { +p: T };
interface T { -p: T };
declare class T { +[k:K]: V };
class T { -[k:K]: V };
class C2 { +p: T = e };
#4746 Support ObjectExpression
in static path evaluation. (@motiz88)
Useful for babel/babili and other plugins.
// in
{['a' + 'b']: 10 * 20, 'z': [1, 2, 3]}
// out
{ab: 200, z: [1, 2, 3]}
#4699 import()
: Initial support for dynamic-import
. (@kesne)
Parser support was added in babel/babylon#v6.12.0.
Just the plugin to enable it in babel.
// install
$ npm install babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import --save-dev
or use the new parserOpts
// .babelrc
"parserOpts": {
"plugins": ['dynamicImport']
#4655 Add useBuiltIns
option to helper-builder-react-jsx. (@existentialism)
Previously we added a useBuiltIns
for object-rest-spread so that it use the native/built in version if you use a polyfill or have it supported natively.
This change just uses the same option from the plugin to be applied with spread inside of jsx.
// in
var div = <Component {...props} foo="bar" />
// out
var div = React.createElement(Component, Object.assign({}, props, { foo: "bar" }));
#4724 Add EmptyTypeAnnotation
. (@samwgoldman)
Added in flow here and in babylon here.
function f<T>(x: empty): T {
return x;
f(); // nothing to pass...
#4758 Make getBinding ignore labels; add Scope#getLabel, Scope#hasLabel, Scope#registerLabel. (@kangax)
Track LabeledStatement
separately (not part of bindings).
💅 Polish
#4690 Consolidate contiguous var declarations in destructuring transform. (@motiz88)
// in
const [a, b] = [1, 2];
// out
var a = 1,
b = 2;
#4685 Better error messaging when preset options are given without a corresponding preset. (@kaicataldo)
We've had a few reports of users not wrapping a preset in
when passing in options so we added an extra error message for this.
// incorrect, and current gives a unexpected error message
"presets": [
{ "presetOptions": 'hi' } // gets parsed as another preset instead of being part of the "preset"
// correct
"presets": [
"presetOptions": 'hi'
ReferenceError: [BABEL] /test.js: Unknown option: base.loose2. Check out for more information about options.
A common cause of this error is the presence of a configuration options object without the corresponding preset name. Example:
`{ presets: [{option: value}] }`
`{ presets: [["presetName", {option: value}]] }`
For more detailed information on preset configuration, please see
#4646 Change babel-generator to output boolean
instead of bool
for the BooleanTypeAnnotation
AST node. (@existentialism)
var a: Promise<boolean>[];
// instead of
var a: Promise<bool>[];
📝 Documentation
#4653 Tweak license for GitHub display. (@existentialism)
So that our MIT License shows up.
🐛 Bug Fixes
#4765 Don't treat JSXIdentifier
in JSXMemberExpression
as HTML tag. Closes #4027. (@DrewML)
// transform-react-inline-elements
// issue with imported components that were JSXMemberExpression
import { form } from "./export";
function ParentComponent() {
return <form.TestComponent />;
#4763 Handle remapping of JSXIdentifier to MemberExpression in CommonJS transform. Closes #3728. (@DrewML)
// transform-react-inline-elements
import { Modal } from "react-bootstrap";
export default CustomModal = () => <Modal.Header>foobar</Modal.Header>;
#4736 Fix replacing for-of if inside label. (@danez)
if ( true ) {
loop: for (let ch of []) {}
#4502 Make special case for class property initializers in shadow-functions
. (@motiz88)
class A {
prop1 = () => this;
static prop2 = () => this;
prop3 = () => arguments;
#4719 Fixed incorrect compilation of async iterator methods. (@Jamesernator)
// in
class C {
async *g() { await 1; }
// out
class C {
g() { // was incorrectly outputting the method with a generator still `*g(){`
return _asyncGenerator.wrap(function* () {
yield _asyncGenerator.await(1);
#4690 Consolidate contiguous var declarations in destructuring transform. (@motiz88)
// was wrapping variables in an IIFE incorrectly
for ( let i = 0, { length } = list; i < length; i++ ) {
console.log( i + ': ' + list[i] )
#4666 Fix error when constructor default arg refers to self or own static property. (@danharper)
// was producing invalid code
class Ref {
static nextId = 0
constructor(id = ++Ref.nextId, n = id) { = n
assert.equal(1, new Ref().id)
assert.equal(2, new Ref().id)
#4674 Handle side effects correctly in rest params index expressions (#4348). (@motiz88)
function first(...values) {
let index = 0;
return values[index++]; // ++ was happening twice
console.log(first(1, 2));
#4669 Fix block scoping transform for declarations in labeled statements. (@motiz88)
let x = 10;
if (1)
ca: let x = 20;
#4672 Avoid repeating impure (template) literals when desugaring **= (#4403). (@motiz88)
a[`${b++}`] **= 1;
#4642 Exclude super from being assign to ref variable. (@danez)
foo = {
bar() {
return super.baz **= 12;
#4670 Retain return types on ObjectMethods in transform-es2015-shorthand-properties. (@danharper)
// @flow
var obj = {
method(a: string): number {
return 5 + 5;
#4668 Retain method return types on transform-es2015-classes (Closes #4665). (@danharper)
// @flow
class C {
m(x: number): string {
return 'a';
🏠 Internal
#4725 Remove babel-doctor from babel-cli. (@kaicataldo)
It's a one-time use tool (helpful after the initial release when upgrading from v5 to v6) that doesn't need to be a part of babel-cli
. We'll publish it as a standalone package it someone asks for it.
#4764 Add TEST_DEBUG env var option for, to enable node 6 debugger. (@DrewML)
Will be useful for contributors: TEST_DEBUG=true make test
to run node --inspect
on node v6+.
#4735 Automatically generate missing expected.js fixtures. (@motiz88)
Also amazing for contributors: if you create an actual.js
test file without the expected.js
it will generate it for you (like snapshot tests but with babel output).
#4734 Change usage of "suite"/"test" in unit-tests to "describe"/"it". (@DrewML)
#4564 Enable babel for tests. (@danez)
The non-fixture tests finally are also transpiled as well!
#4732 Run ESLint on test files, and fix lint errors in test files.. (@DrewML)
#4680 Update: Eslint to 3.0 and update CI builds (Closes #4638). (@gyandeeps)
Allows us to use the latest version of eslint which drops support of node < 4 by only running lint on the lastest node which should save CI time.
🎉 First Merged Pull Request!
- Andrew Levine (DrewML)
- Eric Rozell (rozele)
- Gyandeep Singh (gyandeeps)
- Jamesernator
- Jordan Gensler (kesne)
- Nazim Hajidin (nhajidin)
- Simen Bekkhus (SimenB)
- sugargreenbean
🌏 Committers: 17
- Brian Ng (existentialism)
- Dan Harper (danharper)
- Daniel Tschinder (danez)
- Greenkeeper (greenkeeperio-bot)
- Henry Zhu (hzoo)
- Juriy Zaytsev (kangax)
- Kai Cataldo (kaicataldo)
- Moti Zilberman (motiz88)
- Sam Goldman (samwgoldman)
Check out Github for the whole changelog!